Add a Place Near You!

Share a place to the Busy Barnacles application using the form below.

Thank you for your contibution! Your place has been submitted. All contributions are reviewed before being published to the application. We will reach out to you via email once the place has been added to the list.

Cost Category Definitions

Busy Barnacles categorizes places, or "vessels", by No Cost, Low Cost, and High Cost. See details about each category below.

No Cost

Work at a No Cost place for, you guessed it, no cost. These are typically public resources, such as the public library, or private places like food halls.

Low Cost
(No more than $15)

Work at a Low Cost place for very little cost. These are typically coffee shops, or a similar type of place where you can work for the price of a product at the establishment.

High Cost
(over $15)

You can expect to pay more to work at a High Cost place, but you may get more in return, such as faster internet or access to printers. This would include things like a day pass for a co-working space, such as WeWork.

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